Womens Walking Boots

When choosing the perfect of ladies walking shoes, it is important to determine which category you need to be looking at. These categories are divided into groups: A, A/B, B, B/C, C, and D. Categories A and A/B are suitable for less challenging, everyday terrain. The only difference is the height, where A/B is taller than A and offers a bit more protection. Categories B and B/C are a bit stiffer, meaning they offer more protection for more challenging terrain. For the most challenging expeditions and extreme conditions, you will find a suitable pair of womens hiking boots in categories C and D, which offer the most protection.
Something to always check when purchasing walking boots is whether the boots are waterproof. If you plan on walking through muddy fields on rainy days or along paths with lots of puddles, it is worth investing in a great pair of waterproof walking boots. These boots have special linings and treatments, such as the famous GoreTex lining, that ensure your feet stay dry and warm during your hikes. You can find all of the womens waterproof walking shoes by using the filter on the left-hand side of the page above.
If you're looking for walking boots, you want them to be robust and durable enough to last you a good few years. This is why one of the most popular material when making walking boots is leather. Leather walking shoes are super sturdy while also offering a lot of comfort, which is the perfect combination for a boot you will be hiking in. We offer a wide range of leather walking shoes here at Outdoorsupply, so you need only select the material you desire using the filters on the page above to find the perfect leather hiking boots for you.
The womens walking boots in our assortment come in a wide range of designs, styles, categories, and price ranges. This means that there is the perfect option for everyone, no matter what you're looking for. The most popular colour in our collection is black. Black walking boots tend to be a popular choice as they are easy to keep clean and can also be easily combined with the rest of your hiking wardrobe, making them a practical choice. Simply select the colour you want for your walking boots on the page above to find your perfect pair.